One Year’s reflection
My intention for my first week of the new year is to reflect on my last year.
Such is the gratitude, I shall dedicate respectful time to the challenges and to the achievements..
And here I shall acknowledge my successes:
? The natural elements and the physical sensations I draw out of experiencing them.
? The people I connected with who supported me, worked with me, shared their gifts and gave me love which I took into my new ventures.
? My body, which allows me to feel, to move, to sense, to regenerate, to heal, to remind me of change and of the ephemeral.
? My accumulated knowledge, my new learnings, and the opportunities I had to let it all go and trust an inner wisdom, deeper than my own heart.
? The moments where I perceived an expansion of my limitations, the infinity of existence and the significance of my own grain of sand.
This year I became more of who I am.
And I like it.