Sexuality is…
…discovery, a path, instinct, adventure, vibration, relaxing, openness, trust, respect, exploration, freedom, joy, desire, peace, connection, spirituality, orgasm, self-love.
… a world of real, felt, expressed, vulnerable, strong hashtags.
If my line of work focus on the power of pleasure in our emotional and physical wellbeing, my line of militancy expands into the concept that connection and love shall change the world for better.
And, as I just finished facilitating a meeting on the subject of Sexuality and Intimacy, I am inspired by those who already feel sexuality must be central to their lives.
I am grateful for the path that unveils in front of me, and inspires me to overcome my own limitations as a health practitioner.
I am excited in realising, admitting and owning the fact I am a facilitator in the realms of tabu.
And I am blessed to co-project my new ventures with the wise, creative and precious eros Drew Lawson.
Sincerely, I can’t wait to share such a delicious, delicate and … yes, daring work with all.